Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Here comes winter storm NITA....geez...

Well, I guess there is no danger of me being distracted by wanting to be outside painting plein air! It is one snow storm after another, helping to keep me on track with this mural. It is a ton of prep work to get a panel ready for the portraits, so that might explain why I lost my assistant. Despite that, I am actually making better progress as I use my time in between coats of caulk and paint to do drawings, run get more supplies, etc.

What a treat it was to have Kathy Seitz come over to paint on her honoree, her father, Joe O'Brien! Her husband Dick joined her and watched with a wide grin on his face as he saw how much she was enjoying it! An artist at heart, I think! We had no photos for his legs, so my husband, Claude, modeled for them.

                                                        Painting in the canopy.....

                                             Three more drawn on.....the last one is the one I had a rather poor photo of. I did, however, go back and make some corrections and he looks better now. Then I chose to add the old doctor bag, for in the days when they made house calls. ( As I do remember those days!)

Alberta Shurelds daughter, Vickie, came to paint in the shoes for her mother, as she had to pose for the legs and shoes. What a memory for her! I was so touched to get a big hug from her as the tears rolled freely down her cheeks as she thanked me for capturing her mother's personality, as well as her likeness. Vickie said she would definitely be touching those folks if they were that close.
son, Jim and grandson, Brandon both took a shoe to paint
and then add their initials...

on their honoree, Wayne Gideon

                           What a joy they were to get to spend some time with in the studio!

There are 6 portraits complete now..........just 24 more to go! The last one was a real tough one, as I had the old faded photograph from the web, no less, of a shadow figure; but it was HIS stance, so I used it. I had only been given a web photo of the face and was told to just do the best I could, as that was the only one known to exist.
more transfer of the lettering
wrapped in a sheet and corner protectors added


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