Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Painting #10 "It's a long ways down..."

Where does the time go? I really plan on behaving and getting to work right away on my painting but I got distracted by a number of things in the studio. Putting things away as I hunted for that one little "must have" for in my still life set up. Never did find it.

The sun was shining and Sedona demanded to get to go for a walk. I never argue with a chance to soak up some sun, esp. in the winter. That left little time for my painting so I elected to paint from a photo I took earlier this week. Sedona is afraid of going down our stairs, in spite of the fact she goes up them like a streak of lightening!

I was interested in challenging myself to forget warm or cool and just try to look at value and not over think it; just respond and pick up paint, put it on.

"It' s along ways down..."       10 x 8", oil on matboard   

I will paint many more of her. She is a great model. Snapped a few today as she lay on the studio floor, bathed in sunlight...

Thanks for looking.........

1 comment:

Gloria E. Moses said...

A really irresistible model, so cute!!